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Military Exposure Registry Examination Program

August 18, 2023

Veterans have dedicated their lives to the service and protection of their nations. In the face of danger, they have displayed unparalleled courage, and in the aftermath, many continue to carry the scars of their service.

Some of these scars are visible, while others lurk beneath the surface. It's not just the immediate threats faced in combat zones that can leave a lasting impact; the environment and exposures they experience can also have long-term health consequences.

The Military Exposure Registry Examination Program for Veterans seeks to address these silent adversaries. This initiative aims to comprehensively study and document the myriad exposures that military personnel might have faced during their service, from chemicals and toxins to unique environmental conditions. 

In this comprehensive guide, we will share insights into the various exposures, offering resources for veterans seeking assistance, and illuminating the latest research developments. Moreover, we'll provide a platform for veterans to share their stories and experiences, fostering a community that understands and supports one another.

Program Contact1-800-827-1000
Additional InfoLocal Health VA Coordinator Finder
Managing AgencyU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs

Understanding the Military Exposure Registry Examination Program

The Military Exposure Registry Examination Program is designed for veterans who might have been exposed to a variety of chemical, physical, and environmental hazards during their military service. This program provides eligible veterans with the opportunity to undergo a voluntary medical assessment. The purpose of these assessments is to help the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) collect data on veterans' health and track potential health effects related to military exposures.

The program does not require veterans to apply for healthcare benefits in order to access the registry examination. There are no specific length-of-service requirements to be eligible for this program. Veterans who believe they may have been exposed to toxins or certain vaccinations with side effects can avail themselves of this voluntary medical assessment.

If a veteran wants to participate in the program, they can get in touch with their local VA Environmental Health Coordinator. The contact information for these coordinators can be found on the VA's Public Health "Directory of Environmental Health Coordinators" page.

Eligibility Requirements

The eligibility process for the Military Exposure Registry Examination Program is straightforward and designed to ensure that veterans who may have been exposed to chemical, physical, and environmental hazards during their military service can access the program. Here's how the eligibility process works:

No Medical Benefits Package Requirement

Veterans do not need to apply for VA healthcare benefits in order to be eligible for the registry examination. This means that even if a veteran is not enrolled in VA healthcare, they can still participate in the program and receive a medical assessment.

No Length-of-Service Requirements

There are no specific length-of-service requirements to be eligible for the program. This means that veterans with varying lengths of military service, including those who served for a short duration, can still participate.

Veterans' Belief in Exposure

The program is intended for veterans who believe they may have been exposed to toxins or certain vaccinations with side effects during their military service. If a veteran suspects that they might have been exposed to such hazards, they are eligible to receive a voluntary medical assessment.

Contact Local VA Environmental Health Coordinator

To apply for the program and receive a medical exam, eligible veterans need to get in touch with their local VA Environmental Health Coordinator. The contact information for these coordinators can be found on the VA's Public Health "Directory of Environmental Health Coordinators" page.

Application Process

The application process for the Military Exposure Registry Examination Program is simple and involves reaching out to the appropriate channels within the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs.

It's important to note that registry examinations are not part of the VA Medical Benefits Package. Therefore, veterans do not need to apply for VA health care services to access the registry exam. The program is open to eligible veterans regardless of their enrollment status in VA health care.

Contact Local VA Environmental Health Coordinator

To apply for the program and receive a medical examination as part of the Military Exposure Registry Examination Program, eligible veterans need to get in touch with their local VA Environmental Health Coordinator. The local VA Environmental Health Coordinator is the point of contact who can assist veterans in scheduling the necessary medical assessment.

Access Contact Information

The contact information for local VA Environmental Health Coordinators can be found on the VA's Public Health "Directory of Environmental Health Coordinators" page. This directory provides a list of coordinators along with their contact details, allowing veterans to easily reach out for further assistance.

Veterans should reach out to the local VA Environmental Health Coordinator through the provided contact information. They can make inquiries, express their interest in participating in the program, and schedule a medical exam for the Military Exposure Registry Examination.

Veterans seeking additional information about military exposures, the program details, or any questions related to the process can visit the VA's Public Health homepage. This resource serves as a hub for information related to military exposures and can provide clarity on various aspects of the program.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. What is the purpose of the Military Exposure Registry Examination Program?

The program aims to assist veterans who believe they may have been exposed to toxins or certain vaccinations during military service by offering a voluntary medical assessment. This assessment helps the VA track data on veterans' health related to potential exposures.

2. Who is eligible for the program?

Any veteran who believes they may have been exposed to toxins or certain vaccinations with side effects during their military service can be eligible for the program. There are no specific length-of-service requirements, and registry examinations are not part of the VA's Medical Benefits Package.

3. Do I need to apply for health care to access the registry exam?

No, veterans do not need to apply for VA health care benefits to access the registry examination. The program is open to eligible veterans regardless of their enrollment status in VA health care.

4. How do I apply for the program?

To receive a medical exam, you can contact your local VA Environmental Health Coordinator. The contact information for these coordinators can be found on VA's Public Health "Directory of Environmental Health Coordinators" page.

5. Can I get more information about military exposures?

For more information about military exposures and the program, you can visit VA's Public Health homepage. They provide resources to help you understand and address potential exposures.

6. What are the alternative ways to contact for information?

If you have questions, you can visit the Ask VA (AVA) website to ask questions electronically. You can also call the VA Insurance Center at 1-800-669-8477 or contact them online through the provided link on the website.


The Military Exposure Registry Examination Program is designed to assist veterans who may have been exposed to various hazards during their military service. By providing a voluntary medical assessment, the program helps the VA track data on veterans' health in relation to potential exposures. Eligibility does not require veterans to be enrolled in VA health care, and there are no specific length-of-service requirements. 

Veterans interested in the program can contact their local VA Environmental Health Coordinator to schedule a medical exam. This program is part of the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs' commitment to supporting the health and well-being of veterans who have served their country.

From serving on the front lines to understanding the perks awaiting you at home, the journey of a servicemember is filled with layers of complexity. One such layer is the GI Bill, a benefit as valuable as it can sometimes be confusing. Dive deep with us as we unravel the intricacies of GI bills!

Michael Blair contributes his expertise to help veterans access government benefits and resources. Through his informative articles and guides, he plays a vital role in empowering veterans and improving their quality of life.
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