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100 Service Connected Disabled Veterans Benefits: What You're Entitled To

October 5, 2023

For many veterans, transitioning back to civilian life presents a unique set of challenges, especially for those with service-connected disabilities. While their sacrifices for the nation are immeasurable, the physical and emotional toll can be profound. Recognizing this, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) and other organizations have established various benefits and support systems to assist these brave individuals. 

This blog guides the entitlements available to 100% service-connected disabled veterans, ensuring they are well-informed and can access the support they deserve. From financial assistance to employment opportunities, we'll explore the 100% service-connected disabled veteran benefits in every facet of their post-service lives.

Program Contact800-827-1000
Additional InfoVA Disability Compensation | Veterans Affairs 
Managing AgencyU.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA)

Overview Of 100% Service-Connected Disability And Eligibility Requirements

VA disability compensation provides tax-free monthly payments to veterans with a service-connected condition. A service-connected condition refers to an illness or injury caused by or exacerbated due to active military service.

Am I Eligible For VA Disability Compensation?

To be eligible for 100% service-connected disabled veteran benefits, veterans must meet certain criteria:

  1. Current Illness Or Injury: Veterans should have a current illness or injury, known as a condition, that affects their mind or body.

  2. Service Requirement: They should have served on active duty, active duty for training, or inactive duty training.

Additionally, at least one of the following must be true:

  • The illness or injury was acquired while serving in the military, and there's a direct link between this condition and the illness or injury (referred to as an in-service disability claim).

  • The veteran had an illness or injury before joining the military, and the service worsened it (known as a pre-service disability claim).

  • The disability is related to active-duty service but didn't manifest until after the service ended (termed a post-service disability claim).

Presumptive Conditions:

For certain conditions, the VA automatically assumes that the service caused the condition, and these are termed presumptive conditions. Veterans with a presumptive condition don't need to prove that their service led to the condition; they only need to meet the service requirements for the presumption. Some categories of presumptive conditions include:

  • Chronic illnesses that manifest within 1 year after discharge.

  • Illnesses caused by exposure to contaminants or other hazardous materials.

  • Conditions resulting from time spent as a prisoner of war.

What Conditions Are Covered By These Benefits?

Veterans may be eligible for VA disability benefits for various conditions, including:

  • Chronic back pain leads to a diagnosed back disability.

  • Breathing issues from a current lung condition or disease.

  • Severe hearing loss, scar tissue, loss of range of motion, ulcers, and conditions caused by exposure to toxic chemicals.

  • Mental health conditions such as anxiety, depression, conditions related to military sexual trauma (MST), posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and traumatic brain injury (TBI).

Types Of Benefits For Disabled Veterans

Disabled veterans, especially those with a 100% service-connected rating, are entitled to a wide array of benefits from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). These benefits span across various facets of life, ensuring comprehensive support in areas such as financial assistance, healthcare, housing, education, and employment.

Healthcare And Identification

  • Veteran Health Identification Card (VHIC): Available at VA healthcare facilities, this card facilitates check-ins at VA medical centers and availing discounts at select establishments.

  • Out-Of-Pocket Healthcare Costs: Eligible veterans can get reimbursements for certain healthcare expenses.

  • Transportation: Veterans with a 60% rating or higher can get reimbursements for transportation to VA Medical Center visits.

  • Dental Care: Comprehensive dental coverage is available for those with a permanent and total rating or a compensable dental condition of 10% or more.

  • Vision And Prescription Drugs: Veterans can access free or discounted vision care, prescription drugs, and mental health services at VA facilities.

Housing And Transportation

  • Disability Housing Grants: SAH and SHA grants assist veterans with service-connected disabilities in home modifications for better accessibility.

  • Automobile Allowance: Veterans can receive a one-time payment for a specially equipped vehicle, along with grants for necessary vehicle modifications.

Financial Assistance

  • Disability Compensation: Monthly payments are provided to veterans with service-connected disabilities.

  • VA Pension: For veterans with limited income who cannot work due to non-service-connected disabilities.

  • Aid And Attendance: Additional support for veterans needing daily living assistance.

  • Housebound Allowance: Additional support for veterans confined to their homes.

  • Survivor Benefits: Compensation for the families of veterans who passed away due to service-connected or certain non-service-connected disabilities.

Education And Employment

  • Educational Benefits: Programs like the Post-9/11 GI Bill and Montgomery GI Bill offer tuition coverage, living allowances, and book stipends.

  • Vocational Rehabilitation: VR&E offers job search assistance, training, and counseling.

  • Employment Initiatives: Programs like VR&E and DVBE help veterans find jobs or start their businesses.

Additional Benefits

  • Life Insurance: Affordable policies for veterans and their families.

  • Recreational Benefits: Access to National Parks, space-available flights, and exclusive resorts like Shades of Green.

  • Burial Benefits: Veterans can avail of burial in a national cemetery with a complimentary headstone or marker.

Financial Assistance

Financial stability is paramount, especially for those facing the challenges of a disability. Here, we'll explore the various financial support mechanisms in place to ensure that disabled veterans can lead a dignified life without financial strain.

Property Tax Benefits

Many states offer property tax exemptions for disabled veterans. These exemptions can significantly reduce the amount of property tax a veteran is required to pay, and in some cases, may eliminate the tax altogether. The specific benefits vary by state. For instance, some states may offer a 100% tax exemption for veterans who are 100% disabled as a result of service. Others might provide a fixed amount or percentage off of the property's assessed value. It's essential for veterans to check with their local tax assessor's office or the state's Department of Veterans Affairs to understand the specific benefits available in their area. Veterans United provides a comprehensive list of property tax exemptions by state.

Social Security Benefits

Disabled veterans may also be eligible for Social Security disability benefits. The Social Security Administration (SSA) offers benefits through two programs: the Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) program and the Supplemental Security Income (SSI) program. Veterans can receive VA disability compensation and Social Security disability benefits simultaneously. The SSA also provides expedited processing of disability claims for veterans who have a 100% P&T VA compensation rating. More details can be found on the SSA's website for veterans.

Disability Payments

VA disability compensation offers a monthly tax-free payment to veterans who became sick or injured while serving in the military. This compensation also extends to veterans whose service aggravated an existing condition. The amount received depends on the severity of the disability, with ratings ranging from 10% to 100%. Veterans can apply for these benefits and manage them through the VA's disability compensation page.

Additional Benefits For Families Of Eligible Veterans

As the spouse or dependent child of a Veteran or service member, individuals may qualify for various benefits, including:

  • Health Care: Eligibility for health care through programs like CHAMPVA or the Department of Defense's TRICARE program.

  • Education: Benefits such as the Survivors' and Dependents' Education Assistance Program (Chapter 35) or the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship can help cover the costs of schooling or job training.

  • Home Loans: Surviving spouses can apply for a Certificate of Eligibility (COE) for VA home loan programs to assist with buying, building, repairing, or refinancing a home.

  • Life Insurance: Family Servicemembers' Group Life Insurance (FSGLI) offers coverage options, and beneficiaries can access financial advice and will preparation services.

  • Burial Benefits: Families can apply in advance for eligibility to be buried in a VA national cemetery and can receive assistance with burial costs and survivor compensation.

Caregivers of Veterans may also be eligible for support programs to help them care for the Veteran. These programs offer resources, education, and other forms of support. More details on these benefits can be found on the VA's family member benefits page.

Medical Care And Rehabilitation Services

Health is wealth, and for disabled veterans, access to top-notch medical care and rehabilitation services is essential. This section sheds light on the healthcare provisions available, ensuring veterans receive 100% service-connected disabled veteran benefits.

Dental Care And Treatment

Veterans with a 100% service-connected disability rating are eligible for comprehensive dental care from the VA. This includes preventive care, diagnostic services, restorative services, surgical services, and more. The VA provides dental care to ensure that veterans maintain good oral health, which is essential for overall well-being. Dental care services are provided at VA dental clinics, and in some cases, veterans may be referred to private dentists if specific services are not available at the VA facility.

Physical Therapy And Rehabilitation Services

Physical therapy plays a crucial role in the rehabilitation of veterans, especially those with service-connected disabilities. The U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers state-of-the-art physical therapy services to veterans and servicemembers. Physical therapists diagnose and treat individuals with medical problems or health-related conditions that limit their abilities to move and perform daily activities. They develop personalized treatment plans to reduce pain, improve function, and restore quality of life.

The VA's physical therapy services include:

  • Primary Care: Addressing basic health needs and ensuring overall well-being.

  • Emergency Department Care: Immediate care for urgent health issues.

  • Pain Management: Techniques and treatments to manage and reduce chronic pain.

  • Manual Intervention And Joint Mobilization: Hands-on techniques to improve joint and muscle function.

  • Treatment Of Musculoskeletal Disorders: Addressing issues related to muscles, bones, and joints.

  • Strength And Conditioning/Therapeutic Exercise: Exercises to improve strength and mobility.

  • Treatment Of Neurological Diseases And Stroke Recovery: Specialized care for neurological conditions.

  • Balance Training/Fall Prevention: Techniques to improve balance and prevent falls.

  • Vestibular Rehabilitation: Therapy for issues related to inner ear and balance.

  • Injury Prevention: Strategies to prevent injuries.

  • Weight Management Program For Veterans (MOVE!): A comprehensive weight management program.

  • Safe Patient Handling: Techniques to safely handle and move patients.

  • Wound Care: Management and treatment of various wounds.

  • Women’s Health: Addressing specific health needs of female veterans.

  • Tele-Rehabilitation: Remote therapy sessions using technology.

  • Adaptive Mobility Clinics: Clinics to assist with mobility issues.

Vision Care And Treatment

The VA provides vision care services to veterans who qualify for VA health care benefits. These services include routine eye exams and preventive vision testing, such as glaucoma testing. Additionally, the VA covers the cost of eyeglasses for veterans who meet specific criteria. This includes veterans with a compensable service-connected disability, former prisoners of war, Purple Heart recipients, and those with vision problems caused by illnesses or injuries for which they're receiving VA care.

For veterans with both vision and hearing loss, the VA may also cover the cost of hearing aids, ensuring that these veterans receive comprehensive care for their sensory impairments.

Mental Health Support Services

Veterans, especially those with disabilities, often face unique mental health challenges stemming from their service experiences. The Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) offers a range of mental health services tailored to address these needs.

  • Immediate Assistance: For those in need of urgent support, the VA provides same-day services. This can range from face-to-face consultations, telehealth or video care appointments, phone consultations with a VA nurse, or even scheduling future appointments.

  • Comprehensive Care: The VA offers a spectrum of mental health services, including short-term inpatient care for severe mental illnesses, outpatient care for those with serious mental health issues, regular outpatient care, and rehabilitation treatments. They also offer residential programs for veterans with mental health challenges, which might be compounded by other issues like homelessness.

  • Crisis Intervention: For veterans in crisis, the VA provides emergency mental health care around the clock. This includes the Veterans Crisis Line, a lifeline offering support 24/7 for veterans in distress and their families.

  • Peer Support: Recognizing the power of shared experiences, the VA has the BeThere peer assistance program. Through this initiative, veterans can talk privately with peer coaches who are fellow veterans, service members, or military spouses. The service is available 24/7, ensuring that support is always at hand.

  • Vet Centers: These centers offer a variety of services, including individual and group counseling, military sexual trauma counseling, bereavement counseling, substance use assessment and referral, and assistance with VA benefits. They serve as a one-stop-shop for veterans seeking mental health support.

Prescription Drug Coverage

The VA provides prescription drug coverage for veterans, ensuring they have access to the medications they need. This includes drugs to treat conditions like PTSD, depression, anxiety, and other mental health disorders. The coverage often comes at a reduced cost or even free, depending on the veteran's service connection and income level.

Access To VA Facilities And Medical Centers

Access to quality healthcare is paramount for veterans. The VA has a network of medical centers and facilities dedicated to providing comprehensive care to veterans:

  • Scheduling Appointments: Veterans already using VA medical services can schedule appointments with a VA mental health provider through their primary care provider. Those new to VA services can contact their nearest VA medical center or Vet Center to discuss their needs.

  • Remote Access: For veterans who find it challenging to visit a VA facility in person, the VA offers telemental health programs. Through this, veterans can connect with a VA mental health provider via a computer or mobile device, either from the comfort of their homes or at the nearest VA health facility.

  • Community Vet Centers: These centers are community-based and offer a range of services, from individual counseling to substance use assessment. They are designed to be easily accessible to veterans, ensuring they receive the care they need without any hassles.

  • Online Resources: The VA also offers online resources like the Veteran Training portal, which provides tools based on proven mental health practices. Additionally, there are smartphone apps designed to support veterans' mental health, complementing the care they receive.

Employment Opportunities

For many disabled veterans, transitioning back to civilian life can be challenging, especially when it comes to securing meaningful employment. Recognizing these challenges, various organizations and initiatives have been established to support disabled veterans in their employment journey.

AbilityLinks: Bridging The Employment Gap

In 2021, the U.S. Department of Labor reported that approximately 386,000 Veterans were unemployed. Disturbingly, disabled Veterans faced an unemployment rate almost double that of their non-disabled counterparts. To address this disparity, AbilityLinks was established.

AbilityLinks is a non-profit organization dedicated to increasing employment opportunities for Veterans with disabilities. Through its free online job board, AbilityLinks connects disabled Veterans with inclusive employers across the nation. The platform serves as a hub for job seekers, inclusive employers, and supportive service providers, fostering a community that champions diversity and inclusion.

Eligibility And Application Process:

  • Any disabled Veteran residing in the U.S. can apply on AbilityLinks.

  • Registration is free, and applicants need to provide basic contact information, upload their resume, and specify their desired occupation. There's no requirement to disclose disability information, DD214 records, or service-connected disability ratings.

  • Once registered, Veterans can explore over 4,500 job positions and start their application process.

Services Offered by AbilityLinks:

  • A free job board tailored for disabled Veterans.

  • Personalized assistance for job seekers.

  • Weekly email notifications highlighting new job positions.

  • Consultation for job search strategies.

  • Referrals to disability programs and specialized employment services.

Prominent employers collaborating with AbilityLinks include Amazon, Northwestern Medicine, Blue Cross Blue Shield Association, Fulcrum GT, California Correctional Healthcare Services, McMaster-Carr, and Three Saints Bay.

Empowering Through Employment

Employment not only provides financial stability but also fosters a sense of purpose, community, and self-worth. For disabled Veterans, finding the right job can be transformative, offering a renewed sense of identity and purpose post-service. Organizations like AbilityLinks play a pivotal role in ensuring that these brave individuals are given the opportunities they deserve, helping them transition smoothly into civilian life and achieve their career aspirations.

Availing The 100% Service-Connected disabled veteran benefits

The sacrifices of our veterans stand as a testament to their unwavering commitment and bravery. While no amount of benefits can truly compensate for their sacrifices, it's our collective responsibility to ensure they receive the support and opportunities they deserve. This guide serves as a starting point, but it's essential for veterans and their families to reach out, ask questions, and actively seek the benefits available. The journey might be challenging, but with the right resources and a supportive community, our veterans can lead fulfilling, dignified lives post-service. 

Discover more opportunities for American veterans by reading our guide on the Spina Bifida Health Care Benefits Program for veterans. Visit American Veteran to find comprehensive online resources dedicated to American Veterans.

Michael Blair contributes his expertise to help veterans access government benefits and resources. Through his informative articles and guides, he plays a vital role in empowering veterans and improving their quality of life.
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